The Hawaii Coffee Book: A Gourmet's Guide from Kona to Kauai
Updated second addition? Yes! Hawai’i coffee? Absolutely, yes and yes!!
But being all jacked-up caffeine-aficionados viewers probably are right now reading right this moment thinking “I need another cup of coffee.” I will immediately get to the point and provide details you need pronto. But do you really need to know anything more to order? It’s a comprehensive book about Hawaii and Coffee. No-brainer.
If you’re still with me, these are delicious details of Dr. Shawn Steinman’s book:
Where would we be without coffee? Not just any coffee but best in the world coffee? There is beautiful coffee all over the world. You have had Hawai’l coffee right? Seriously it’s rather spectacular but I am biased and have enjoyed a cup or two in a lot of places, holes in the walls, formal, chain franchise, on the farm, and grinding my own. Just like everybody. And I have enjoyed coffee from the Big Island, Maui, Kauai coffee at growing farms, not like everybody.
I usually like one best from each farm after six or eight selected tastings. And why this book is informative just because it’s Hawaiian grown does not suit everyone’s palate. You have to sample different kinds to find the one you like best and this book will help you do that! And save airfare, but visiting the farms is a spectacular excuse to visit the Big Three and highly recommend going to the manna source and drinking massive quantities of coffee by sunset!
But as I am not scattered at all on coffee myself it is now necessary to turn quickly and switch topics to breakdown the author’s cred. Shawn Steinman is a legit Ph.D. from the highly accredited coffee related sciences from the highest of institutions of higher learning there is such as Oberlin, that’s a good one right. Just for you special coffee drinking nerds the author is not only a coffee scientist (who knew) and knows his way around organoleptic quality skills, whatever that means. Perhaps it means a coffee drinker that is a light sleeper but that seems oxymoronic. Maybe it means knighthood into the coffee realm order. Should be.
His on-going and perpetual “coffee research” includes entomology, ecology, physiology, biochemistry, and brewing skills. The coffee man can…that doesn’t automatically make a great author either but it can make you a pretty fantastic author when one grows their own supply of the world’s best espresso. The Coffee Man Can. And I did enjoy his breezy writing, photos, and style.
It’s interesting whether it’s grown in Hawaii, Columbia , Costa Rico or Mexico to name just a few areas of thousands coffee growers around the world, each regions along the same hillside just a few miles away has a slightly different taste based on so many variables but quality is all great. Seriously, how can you go wrong?
Time to kick up your coffee game people!
Review Author S.L. Peterson
Hi, I'm a writer of both inspirational and science fiction and write for many reasons. The main reason is I have to. It's important to me the reader comes away feeling inspired and view the world a little differently, in a great way, a hopeful way! I'm an original contributor to Your Voice and find new books and interests here.