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When Stars Align, Destiny Happens, Enrich, Energize, & Elevate

When Stars Align, Destiny Happens, Enrich, Energize, & Elevate


She was just standing there , frozen, eyes open but not seeing, stock still. She was standing just feet away from him and he couldn’t do anything about it, it happened so fast before he react or could take a step. Life changed drastically from that moment. Real life is rough. How do you get through it? It probes what your end game is, your purpose and how to find it.  


It happened in the blink of an eye. Sounding fake for dramatic effect, it wasn’t. The personal opening in “When Stars Align, Destiny Happens,” happened. It forced the first-time author to re-think everything after that nice balmy Hawaiian sunset dockside walk when the bottom fell out. When things changed forever.

Besides the personal perspective and experiences from the author as well as interesting research about enrichment, this book is filled with inspirational stories and how to elevate your mind, body, and soul.

This book answers those difficult questions and inspirational. It lifted me and into action as it will you!

Peterson’s wife Chrissy, a perfectly healthy woman one moment, the next, her disconcerting metrics were being monitored and she was barely conscious on the way to the ER in an ambulance. She stayed almost two weeks when the hospital had no more ideas, seemingly normal from every test imaginable. To not know what happenned was a gut punch and scary. A year of rehab learning to walk, mending, and on alert for another unexplained instant unconsciousness episode, this book was born to help provide inspiration to others how Chrissy got through the trauma and examples from how others how they got through the very rough times of our lives when days are dark, challenges everywhere. As well as uplifting stories of superheroes who made the unimaginable possible.

Hard lessons were learned and the author was compelled to share with those in similar situations as well as anyone needing inspiration, where to start and find new purpose and consciousness when everything falls apart. How does one take action?  What are enrichment tools and how can they help move us to a new journey, to a better place?

There’s a club we all visit when we feel like our life is in the ditch. A club we never wanted to belong to but become members. Confused, depressed and unsure of the next step, and what is really important in life?

The answer of course is simple. One doesn’t need to be a member of the hopeless club, the author explores the need for new awareness, getting boost, support and new ideas come, and a new perspective. He provides profiles of men, woman, and children of great character and strength to bolster the theme lifting yourself out of the mire is possible and happens everyday. Some are people are known, but mostly unknown, and their remarkable stories are told. Expressed through their actions, grit, toughness, and talents they all have something in common we all inherently share.

Letting go and illuminated through survivors stories of hope and overcoming, voices we yearn to hear to ease our spirit, heart and soul.

To make it to the other side.






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Review Author Zane Pace

Hi, I'm a Sci-Fi author, writer and book reviewer. My new book titled LunaLani the Starlifter Secrets of Magic Island is a world of powerfully exotic hybrids and spectra. LunaLani is a avian hybrid superhero boss of all time that just wants her flock to live simply on a tropical island in peace. Until left with no alternative when the unthinkable happens in an incredible journey of survival, power and love. Checkout LunaLani's review at Your Voice Your Review or my page at!



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