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Hi! My goal in life is to get the word out even if you come from humble beginnings like I did, caring people can change the world. It changed mine! I lived in a community garden for five years that I know of but can't be sure I only know cat years.

I like posting and hope you follow me. I even wrote a poem the day my life changed forever! I hope you like it even if poems aren't your thing. Please take time to learn about the world through a cat's eyes. Since I'm a cat I should know : >
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I am going to be reviewing my favorite kitty books and posting when the kitty itch strikes and needs to be scratched. You can too! Set up a profile and review a kitty book or do a post because as we all know cats are people too, right? Science!

And I would like nothing more than reading your review, comments, stories and cat fan postings! Yess, I am a cat fan and would like to hear form others! And I'm a cat with tales to tell!

Check out my book reviews of the ones I love best and my current postings and follow me so you will be updated when new cat posts and cat book reviews appear!

Thanks for joining me in my little tiny cat space and literally cannot wait to see your profile! (˃ᆺ˂)