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Hi! My goal in life is to get the word out even if you come from humble beginnings like I did, caring people can change the world. It changed mine! I lived in a community garden for five years that I know of but can't be sure I only know cat years.
I like posting and hope you follow me. I even wrote a poem the day my life changed forever! I hope you like it even if poems aren't your thing. Please take time to learn about the world through a cat's eyes. Since I'm a cat I should know : >
I like posting and hope you follow me. I even wrote a poem the day my life changed forever! I hope you like it even if poems aren't your thing. Please take time to learn about the world through a cat's eyes. Since I'm a cat I should know : >
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More Whiskers, more Smiles
by Zane Pace, 10 November 2022
I'm looking forward to more posts. Moving. Powerful. A cat that is strong and a survivor. Makes me want rescue another cat! And I already have a kitty. I would like to see the cat book reviews!
Whiskers has a wonderful voice!
by We R1, 10 November 2022
Whiskers should be in charge of everything kitty-related! And I enjoyed seeing his advocacy links to kitty welfare and how to help! Power on Whiskers the Garden Kitty!